Sunday, August 23, 2009

I am not a writer

I gave up becoming a writer a long time ago. I'm at peace with that now. I've accepted that my writing skills are mediocre at best. I'll never write "the great American novel" nor the most profound poem of our times. My sharpest skills are non-verbal, I think. Kudos to those who can put words to thoughts and express them in clean sentences and paragraphs and craft a story.
I am savoring the last days of summer and enjoying the cooler misty mornings as we head toward fall, and I hope to catch a glimpse of the more exotic wildlife spreading into the restored wetland and stream ecosystem of Nine Mile Run. I am hopeful.

Friday, August 21, 2009

rings of bright water

Today is a Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend. The photograph here is one of the first I ever took of the water at Nine Mile Run c. 2004. I was lucky to have a drop create the ripple just as the sun was shining and making the light rings around the leaf. To me, it is a picture of hope.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Late comming to the blogging game

I have been a photography blogger for nearly a decade now, but I haven't written much. Now I can combine the two and join the gazillion other bloggers around the world! I have to put in a word for my favorite place to shoot and just to walk around Nine Mile Run.