I am breathing a sigh of relief after the leaders of the industrialized world met for a few days in Pittsburgh. It was hard not to get caught up in the media attention that our city has deserved for a long time, and I'm hoping that the world now sees us with new eyes. I found myself actually having a good time photographing some of the more peaceful protesters, and I'm glad nobody was seriously injured. I feel proud that our city pretty much lived up to its reputation as a clear-headed town, not about to put up with violent anarchists trying to make a moot point about power and control for a few hours and then leave, never to return. No, it wasn't perfect. But it was likely the least violent world events of its kind. For that, we can let ourselves feel proud that we represented ourselves to the world well. Thank you, Pittsburghers, and thanks to all who came here to help make this a world-class event in a world-class city.