After my recent "accidental baptism" Sunday (AKA stupid fall) into Nine Mile Run I got the chance to exprerience the stream a little more intimately than I cared to or anyone really should. The water, and my clothes, reeked of sewage after the recent rains of Saturday 3/13/10 and Sunday 3/14/10. I could literally smell how polluted the stream is and how far we still have to go before reaching our goal of a truly healthy stream and ecosystem in the watershed. I immediately did what I thought I needed to do: I removed the batteries from each of my two cameras that had been wholly dunked. I headed home ASAP to take a serious shower to wash all the e-coli and fecal-coliform off my body and hope I didn't catch anything serious. I felt a bit feverish for the next 24 hours and was worried that I had indeed picked up something. My cameras are now drying out on my windowsill and I will take a look at them in a few days and make my assessments then. Considering the season, I am hoping that my cameras can be resurrected by the first day of Spring.