This is actually the answer to the question given to the 33 miners trapped deep underneath a desert in Chile. According to news reports, psychologists have been arguing about what is most needed, aside from food and medical help, by a group of men who will likely have to remain trapped underground for several weeks before rescue is even possible. They will also be sent a drill, in pieces, to be assemebled by the men themselves in order to assist the rescuers in digging toward the surface. Can you image being trapped for days with the chance of being annihilated underground? There are a few men in Pennsylvania who can. If you recall the Quecreek mine in Pennsylvania held 9 men for about 3 days. They wrote notes to their families with (what they thought were) their final testements on Earth and placed them in a lunch pail. The Chilean miners also asked for wine and steak. And I ask why are we waiting until we are at death's door to enjoy life? Go out and have a nice weekend.